“SBEM Calculations & DSM Modelling (Dynamic Simulation Method) are the only way to demonstrate Part L2a compliance for Commercial Buildings…”
Gladwood are approved Non-Domestic Energy Assessors with Stroma Certification (Level 3, 4 & 5)
Level 3 and 4 SBEM assessments cover the vast majority of non-domestic properties, however, if a building has any of the following features then it is likely the assessment will be considered a ‘Level 5’ and will require a DSM Assessment.
- Ventilation with enhanced thermal coupling to structure
- Automatic blind control (windows and rooflights)
Software we use:
Gladwood use IES Virtual Environment software recognised as a world leader in 3D performance analysis software which is able to integrate into other CAD design and analysis tools.
The software allows us to select the most appropriate software package for a given project via the basic SBEM method or the more complex DSM modelling. DSM will offer more detailed assessments and generally more favourable results.